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Links to Resiliency Researchers

The Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Barbara L. Fredrickson, PhD, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Principal Investigator
MacArthur award winner for research that shows how positive emotions broaden and build resiliency strengths. Also visit her page at:

Center for Advanced Emotional Intelligence
Brought to you by Dr. Paul Wieand

Posttraumatic Growth Study
This study examined correlates of posttraumatic growth. Participants from two samples, university undergraduates and a superior court jury pool, completed a questionnaire to assess their history of trauma, use of religious coping, social support, world assumptions, and posttraumatic growth. Findings indicated that occurrence of trauma, level of seriousness of trauma, religious coping, and social support were strongly correlated with posttraumatic growth. Specific world assumptions, such as randomness of events, were also correlated with posttraumatic growth. The construct validity of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1996) was also investigated. Findings from this study have important methodological and analytical implications for future studies in posttraumatic growth. E-mail Sharon Smith for more information,

Transforming Lives Through Resilience Education
Brought to you by Mary Steinhardt, EdD, LPC, University of Texas.
"Our main question is, how can individuals build resilience and strength when challenged with change and stressful situations? We seek to understand those responses that help people master change successfully and bounce back when the going gets tough, as well as responses that enable people to grow and thrive, and thus experience higher and higher levels of well-being."